2-Valve Head Layout
Software designed by engineers for engineers


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Valve Lift Design

Cam Follower Geometry

Cam to Valve Lift

Cam Manufacture

Valve Train Analysis

4-Valve Head Layout

2-Valve Head Layout

Side Valve Head Layout

Piston Crown Valve Pockets

Exhaust/Intake Valve & Duct Design

Cooling Fins



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TWO-VALVE WEDGE HEAD, and TWO-VALVE HEMI HEAD and TWO-VALVE HEAD with VERTICAL VALVES are three separate parts of the 4stHEAD design software suite.  

These programs analyse the geometrical layout of a 2-valve cylinder head. They permit the basic design of 2-valve cylinder heads in that the physical sizes of the valves are determined with respect to their clearances from each other, the dynamic motion of the piston, or the cylinder walls within a cylinder bore of a given size. Cylinder cutouts are also calculated.

In the 2-valve Hemi Head layout valve edge contact is a possibility. The program calculates minimum inter-valve clearance.

This information can then be used in the EXHAUST and INTAKE VALVE DESIGN Programs.

Another cylinder head design program has been added for the case of the two-valve engine where the valves are vertical (parallel to the cylinder axis) and the chamber can be designed as a ‘pancake’ type or a ‘compact’ type. This layout of head is particularly important for industrial engines which design is becoming increasingly prevalent as a replacement for the carburetted 2-stroke engine in order to meet increasingly stringent exhaust emissions laws.

Classic, Neo-Classic and Modified Wedge Head:
Snapshots of 2-valve classic and neo-classic wedge head output animation
2-valve classic wedge head output information screens
2-valve classic wedge head input information screen
Finite element method used to calculate classic and neo-classic wedge head volume and surface area
Main input and output data page for the classic wedge head
Main input and output data page for the modified wedge head

Hemi Head:
2-valve hemi head output information screens
2-valve hemi head input information screen

Finite element method used to calculate hemi head volume and surface area

Vertical Valves Head:
Vertical-valve Compact Head input data information and output graphics
Vertical-valve Pancake Head input data information and output graphics

Downloading the AVI files below may take several minutes due to their size
Play an AVI animation of a 2-valve classic wedge head (1491kb)
Play an AVI animation of a 2-valve hemi head (1278kb)
Play an AVI animation of a 2-valve modified wedge head (8105kb)


©Prof Blair & Associates