
You will find the most recent news at the top of this page.

Domain name and a new site under construction

After 13 years in the air with this old site I finally bought a domain name ( and webspace for a new to create site. will be ready spring 2014. Take a look:

ESO Mystery finally solved

Finally found the patenttext and some GIFted person who can translate patentdrawings into beautiful 3D drawings. See ESO under "Systems".

Update information

There were reasons for not updating this site for half a year. One reason is the knowledge that someone is preparing a new book on desmodromology, but utterly unwilling to cooperate with me. This author of course can benefit from my site and the recent findings like the Mondial and Cenna desmosystems. Last summer I acquired the original Cenna desmohead and made a new model from the parts (see under "systems" : "Cenna new story"). The other reason was that I had to migrate the bigger files to another provider, since the initial space of the first provider was totally occupied. Now that this problem is solved, I decided to also not bother anymore about that new book frustration and publish nevertheless my new information. See also under "systems" the Pattakon page and under "Photo2" the B&W icons leading to pics to the Cenna model and the new desmoroom.

Mondial 175 mystery solved

After meticulously interpreting a picture of the Mondial 175 desmo-engine in Nunzia Manicardi's book "F.B Mondial : la storia vera e inedita 1952 - 1954", I think we now can reveil the functioning of the very system. Andrea Ridolfi made some first 3D interpretations (see under "systems") which may be finetuned later after we will get the questioned details (better pics).


The Ducati Factory i.c. Mr. G. Mengoli donated (April 2012) a used Ducati Panigale head for acknowledging my contribution to the Desmo-Story (exhibition) in the museum in Budrio.


Announcement. Saterday April 28, 2012 Opening of the desmo-collection in the little Museo della Valle dell'Idice Prunaro di Budrio. Allmost all the artefacts / models and heads shown on "Desmodromology" are exposed, but also heads, models, engines, motorcycles of other inventors. Desmo Story - Museo della Valle dell'Idice


It's quite exceptionel to unexpectedly find AD 2011 another desmo-engine. Open the page on the new "Michel-Aviation AM16 aero-engine" under systems.


I joined the Society of Automotive Historians (December 2010)


The Ducati Factory i.c. Mr. G. Mengoli donated (Dec. 2010) a new ST3-head and a used but perfect (Strada) Desmosedici head. See "Photo3" also.


September 15, 2010 Ducati gave two Multistradas for the Security Motorcade of pope Benedictus XVI. Another gift was a simple perspex model of the two valve desmo system.

New PC

Without a PC no website. But also PC's are getting old and sometimes even crash. This is what happened "the other day". A new PC is operational now and I am busy to get everything in good order. It is a massive job and every new transition takes more effort. (more data to transfer, new version(s) of MS Windows to adapt and all kind of hard- and software not compatible / working anymore. This was (also) slowing down "desmodromology".

I disabled the "Nedstat Counter" summer 2011, because of disturbing advertisements.
Spring 2012 I started to use Flashcounter for statistics.
For more: choose "Previous News" in the menu-frame.

Last update: April 4, 2014